Broadcasting Jesus

Toda la music cristina gratuita rock cristino, metal cristiano, screamo cristiano, post harcore cristiano Gratis ____/.:By Järts:./___

BANDa: The Devil Wears Prada
DISCo: Plagues
GENERO: Metalcore
AÑO: 2008


  1. "Goats on a Boat"
  2. "Number Three, Never Forget"
  3. "HTML Rulez d00d"
  4. "Hey John, What's Your Name Again?"
  5. "Don't Dink and Drance"
  6. "You Can't Spell "Crap" Without "C"" (featuring Craig Owens of Chiodos)
  7. "This Song Is Called"
  8. "Reptar, King of the Ozone"
  9. "The Scorpion Deathlock"
  10. "Nickels Is Money Too"

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